Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Girl!

Feb 10, 2011

I really like being in this house. When I was in the other place, I was scared all the time and no one ever paid any attention to me. I was always hungry. Now I get to eat two times every day and I even get special treats. I really like my doggie friends and I've learned a lot from them like how to sniff and pee on stuff when we go for walks. I know that I should pee every time I go outside and I haven't had any poops in the house in a really long time. I still get confused about not peeing in the house, but I don't pee in my crate.

I really like to go for walks now and I sit down and let Mom put on my harness and leash. I run right out the door with my friends. Mom says I prance like a princess! I am frightened of any people I see, but I'm getting used to noises and cars. Mom says it's important to be very careful not to let me near an open door or to walk me without my harness since I do sometimes panic and try to run. Mostly I like walking and don't mind the leash.

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