Monday, January 31, 2011

Adorable Reba

January 22

A first update from Foster Mom:

After a long haul from Ohio, Reba arrived with her two Pom pals to Peterborough. She has been spayed and had dental work and seems to be recovering quite well. She is a very timid little girl and it will take some time for her to learn how to trust people after all she endured in a puppy mill.

Despite a traumatizing past, she remains very sweet natured. She likes other dogs, but is sad now that her Pom pal from Ohio has gone to another foster home. She is very nervous around people and is hesitant to even move past a human for fear she might be hurt. Reba will go outside with the other dogs and will go "potty", but she has regular accidents in the house. We are working on pee pad training. Once she gains some confidence, I'm sure she will catch on.

A few words from Reba:

Everything has changed so much. It was a very long trip from where I was to where I am now. It was really scary meeting so many people. And then I had an operation, but I feel much better now. The nice lady here feeds me and gives me treats which I really like. Maybe one day I'll let her pat me, but I'm not sure about that yet.

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