Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March Break Fun

March 15, 2011

What a great day! I'm at the cottage with my pack and then my cousins came too. Now there are six dogs!

Today we went for a walk up the lane and all of us dogs were off leash. Mom said she was so proud because I stayed right with her the whole time even when the other dogs went into the woods to explore.

I'm so happy here that I even let my "grandpa" pet me; he says I'm a good girl and that I'm very pretty. He didn't even get cross with me when I stole a bit of his sandwich right off his plate; I was sure he wanted to share with me since I'm so pretty. I'm starting to get brave. I still jump at noises or quick movements, but I will sniff people's toes and sometimes even their fingers. My Mom holds me every day and sometimes I fall asleep in her arms.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cute as a Button

Feb 27, 2011

I am really cute! Just ask my Mom. She says pictures don't show how little I really am. I'm only ten pounds big; even the cats I live with are bigger than me.

Yesterday Mom brushed me from top to bottom and then I fell asleep in her arms. I kept opening my eyes to make sure I was safe, but I did doze a little and stayed for a whole twenty minutes. I think I could learn to like cuddling as long as people are patient and kind to me. It's so different from what I've known for most of my life.

Running Free...

Feb 21, 2011

We went to the cottage for a few days and it was fun! Mom said that since there were no other people and cars around I could be free from the leash like the other dogs. Mom sure was surprised at how fast I can run! She had to chase me for a long way. I kept just out of reach, but waited to keep her in sight. It was a fun game. When she finally caught up to me she scooped me up and tucked me in her coat and carried me all the way home. She was kinda hot and sweaty, but she didn't get mad or anything. She said that was the end of our little experiment, whatever that means. Apparently I'm not ever allowed outside of my fenced yard without my harness and leash safely in a person's hand.

I met new people at the cottage too. Although they were nice, I was so frightened when the man picked me up and held me on my back like a baby that I panicked, he was trying to put me on the floor without dropping me, but I didn't know that and I bit him. I didn't hurt him, but Mom says I definitely shouldn't live in a house with children which suits me fine because I don't like sudden movements or loud noises.

I was nervous in this new place and when I'm anxious I go around and around in circles like I used to when I was kept in a cage all the time. After a day or so I started to relax more since my dog friends seemed to like these people and I learned that I was safe.

Made a New Friend

Feb. 15, 2007

We all went to visit Mom's foster dog who was adopted a couple of months ago. Mom said it would be good for me to go to a new place and to get used to meeting people and dogs. I really liked the dog, but I didn't want the people to get too close. I was very brave and explored the house, but since I was with my dog friends who are also friends with the "new" dog, I wasn't too scared.

Happy Girl!

Feb 10, 2011

I really like being in this house. When I was in the other place, I was scared all the time and no one ever paid any attention to me. I was always hungry. Now I get to eat two times every day and I even get special treats. I really like my doggie friends and I've learned a lot from them like how to sniff and pee on stuff when we go for walks. I know that I should pee every time I go outside and I haven't had any poops in the house in a really long time. I still get confused about not peeing in the house, but I don't pee in my crate.

I really like to go for walks now and I sit down and let Mom put on my harness and leash. I run right out the door with my friends. Mom says I prance like a princess! I am frightened of any people I see, but I'm getting used to noises and cars. Mom says it's important to be very careful not to let me near an open door or to walk me without my harness since I do sometimes panic and try to run. Mostly I like walking and don't mind the leash.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Whole Day without an Accident

January 28, 2010

My Mom says I'm awesome. I went a whole day without having an accident in the house. I'd much rather go outside anyway, but sometimes I just have to go....

Mom was not so happy with me this morning. Although she didn't actually say anything, I saw she was kinda mad when she went to put on her leather boots and she saw I'd chewed a whole piece right out. Ooops! Even though I have toys to chew, that boot was pretty tasty.

Last night I slept on the bed with my two pals. I was nervous, but no one tried to grab me or even cuddle up to me. I'm starting to feel safer now.

No more stitches!

 Today I got my stitches out. I was really nervous travelling in the car to the Doctor's office, but I didn't throw up or anything. When I got home, I went right outside and had a pee :) My Mom says she's so proud of me because yesterday I didn't have even one accident in the house. I'm going to try to only go outside today too.

I still don't like getting dragged around on a leash - there's too many noises, but Mom says I'll have to get used to it. She says I need to learn that human hands are gentle too. She held me on her lap for a while last night. I was so nervous at first, I was absolutely stiff, but then I started to relax a bit. I'm not ready to have a cuddle with anyone; I don't even like to rest in a dog bed. I'm used to the floor. I'm not so sure even about the pillows in my overnight crate. Everything is so different now. Maybe I'll learn to like being warm and safe....

Learning to Walk on Leash

This evening was the fourth time Mom took me for a walk. My pals, Brandi and Chester, seem to love going for walks. I don't really get it. I am hooked into this harness and tied to a leash and dragged around. It's really scary out in the world. Cars drive by, garage doors open and shut, people are everywhere walking and talking, even stopping to look at me.... There are so many strange sounds and movements; each one makes me frightened.

Today I learned to get off the deck out in to the back yard. I can almost fly, well jump down two steps anyway.

It's been five whole days!

The food keeps coming and I get my own bowl! It's nice and warm here in the house, but Oh Boy is it cold outside. I run out and have a quick pee, but my feet get so cold so quickly! It's so cold I want to get inside; even though I'm afraid, I will scoot back through the door knowing my Foster Mom is hiding behind it. She hasn't tried to grab me when I come in, so I guess it's safe enough.

I like to know where everyone is in the house, but I'm not ready yet to go into other rooms. Mostly I stay in the main room where my foster brother and sister and Mom hang out. It's nice and quiet here so I feel mostly safe. I don't like loud noises or quick movements. I get really scared and hunch down so no one will see me.

I want to get closer to my Mom, and I wag my tail when she says my name, but I'm just too scared to let her touch me yet. I really like my foster brother and sister and want to play with them, but my Mom says they also came from scary places and don't really know how to play like other dogs. Wouldn't it be great if I could live in a home with another gentle, playful dog?

Adorable Reba

January 22

A first update from Foster Mom:

After a long haul from Ohio, Reba arrived with her two Pom pals to Peterborough. She has been spayed and had dental work and seems to be recovering quite well. She is a very timid little girl and it will take some time for her to learn how to trust people after all she endured in a puppy mill.

Despite a traumatizing past, she remains very sweet natured. She likes other dogs, but is sad now that her Pom pal from Ohio has gone to another foster home. She is very nervous around people and is hesitant to even move past a human for fear she might be hurt. Reba will go outside with the other dogs and will go "potty", but she has regular accidents in the house. We are working on pee pad training. Once she gains some confidence, I'm sure she will catch on.

A few words from Reba:

Everything has changed so much. It was a very long trip from where I was to where I am now. It was really scary meeting so many people. And then I had an operation, but I feel much better now. The nice lady here feeds me and gives me treats which I really like. Maybe one day I'll let her pat me, but I'm not sure about that yet.